Tag Archives: GIMP

November Update #6 – Map v2.0

Sorry for not posting a lot, I’ve been very busy with school, this last month has kicked my ass, add that to the fact that I am too poor to get a new pen (Yes, literally, every cent I have has gone into bill and food) I haven’t gotten much creatively done, in the terms of Kokoro No Kinu.

To be fair, I could have posted more Magicka Mechanica information, and that is a failing on my part. Funny thing about that is that a local gaming store has picked me to DM a weekly D&D 5th Edition Homebrew (self-made) campaign, and I am using, you guessed it, Magicka Mechanica as the world it is set in.

You remember The Map I made for Magicka Mechanica? Well for this campaign, and because I could actually do something creative, I thought “Why not update it? Make it better?” … You guessed what was coming again? Man you all are on a roll!

That’s right, for the Homebrew campaign I digi-arted the old map I had made WAY back then, and after over 18 hours of work, I must say, I am quite proud of the results:


And at 25.9 Mb, it is a lot of map. I only used the art program GIMP and most of the terrain, trees, and other stuff are brushes, textures and other small stuff.

That is the update for right now, I am tired, overslept, and missed an assignment (which REALLY sucks), so I’m just gonna go.