September / October Update #6 – Back in Business! / Inktober

Yes, if you are reading this, then you know Kokoro No Kinu Chapter 4 is starting to roll out! This makes me unequivocally happy, because preparing for it has taken a while. I am currently working on the title page, which will be out later this week… maybe even tomorrow, depending on how much time I have to work on it. The page is colored and intricate and a nice homage to an old childhood movie.

It’s also Inktober! That month where artists try to wear themselves out by drawing something every day, and I’m going to attempt to do that too! I’ll be using Twitter to upload them, so you can find them on my Twitter page (, My comic pages of course will be apart of my Inktober offerings, but I’ll also be doing doodles, sketching and other fun stuff, speaking of, I have one ready today! Since I have been binge watching Hilda, a great new cartoon show on netflix, I REALLY suggest watching it, I decided to do a little drawing in that style, so here it is!


I have also update the Kokoro No Kinu Chapters Page! Now each chapter has its own page in the site, so no more scrolling down the page for the chapter, just click on the chapter’s title page image and BOOM! to the page!

So now onto Chapter 4… This is going to be a hard chapter… I’ll be blunt, it deals with something that has been in the news a lot lately. This chapter will be dealing with sexual assault… (Spoilers… AmIRight?)

Now I designed this chapter before the global attention to sexual assault, before the #MeToo movement (which I fully support, of course, I’m not a monster), before the American Supreme Court hearings, before all of this, years go. This is weird to me because when I designed this chapter, I never imagined this would coincide with such a global movement going on.

I didn’t create this chapter because of the #MeToo movement, and while working on the details, I had thought about changing it in some way, but now that this movement is happening, I hope this chapter might contribute.

I’m not going to be calling it as such, of course, but maybe someone will read it and it will help them go through the troubles they are having, or maybe even give them that extra push to come forward and report whatever monster hurt them, so they might never do it again…

Anyway, for this reason is why I’m adding the “Chapter Update” card to each chapter page post, so that the chapter page is not the first thing that pops up. This is because I know such images may be harmful to those dealing with sexual PTSD, and this way you know what post is a chapter update, without the page being the first thing seen.

Anyway, that is what is going on, I’m working on drawing and creating the pages now, so I’ll get back to it! I hope you enjoy Chapter 4, and If anyone ever needs help, or just an ear to listen to any pain they are going through, I am always willing to listen if it may help you.

You can find me by going to any of these links, I’m on a lot of platforms.


If you are hurting, please find someone you trust to confide in, don’t suffer alone.


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